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Monday, November 27, 2006
sesungguhnya telah lama saya ingin menulis hal ini. hanya karena kesempatan untuk duduk didepan komputer, walaupun perlu beberapa menit saja untuk menulis postingan baru, belum ada(atau belum diadakan!D:).
menjadi blogger belum lama buat saya. baru tahun 2004 lalu. saat itu mulai membuat blog untuk anak-anak. fajri dan fikri. terinspirasi dari teman-teman yang bikin blog untuk anak-anak mereka, tentu saja. "supaya anakku tahu seperti apa dia waktu bayi, 1 tahun, 2 tahun, dan seterusnya", kata seorang teman. "supaya ada rekaman kejadian yang lucu dan tidak terlupakan yang pernah anakku lakukan, yang tidak bisa direkam oleh handycam maupun kamera digital", jawab teman yang lain. "biar anakku punya keinginan menulis dan bisa latihan menulis", ada teman lagi yang berpendapat seperti itu.dan saya pun manggut-manggut setuju. juga mencoba berpendapat yang sama.ehm...
kemudian saya mencoba beberapa provider yang menyediakan layanan blog gratis, semisal blogspot, blogdrive, wordpress, crabblog(?entah, seperti itukah namanya), multiply. ingin saya waktu itu adalah, punya blog yang tampilannya lain dan sesuai dengan tema anak-anak (fajri fikri waktu itu masih 7 dan 9 tahun).dan yang paling user friendly adalah blogspot. padahal mereka tidak punya template dengan tema yang khusus anak-anak. tapi akhirnya jadilah blog mereka.
saya rajin memposting cerita yang mereka karang sendiri dengan bahasa inggris yang belepotan ataupun hanya mempublish foto-foto mereka juga gambar-gambar. waktu itu memang fikri masih belum mahir mengetik memakai komputer. dia mengetik dengan lambat dan memakai dua jari. tapi dengan semangat yang luar biasa, akhirnya dia mampu menyelesaikan ketikannya. bahkan ada cerita tentang spongebob yang lahir setelah fikri menonton spongebob the movie. jika kita membaca postingan fikri, bahasa inggris yang dipakai gado-gado dengan bahasa indo. bahasa inggrisnya pun dengan kata-katanya sendiri. fikri tidak mempedulikan memakai bahasa inggris yang tepat ejaannya atau tidak. begitupun dengan ceritanya. eh, ceritanya memang dicampurnya dengan film tersebut, tapi ditambahkan dengan imajinasinya sendiri. “biar tambah seru”, katanya. meski tidak panjang, tapi itulah hasil kerja keras fikri. sebagai tambahan, fikri sangat suka menggambar dan sejak umur 5 tahun ia sudah mulai mencoba menggambar memakai word art yang diketahuinya dari fajri. fajri sendiri bisa menggambar di kompi saat dia bersekolah di pre-school dulu.
dan fajri sudah bisa menulis dalam bahasa inggris, walau kadang masih ada kata-kata yang belum tepat ejaannya. atas provokasi saya, fajri mau menulis. menulis apa saja. kejadian setiap hari atau cerita yang tidak bisa dilupakan.oya, provokasi saya adalah supaya fawwaz, teman mereka ketika di Australia dan anak dari sahabat kami, lily dan farid, bisa membaca blognya. dan biar mereka dikenal orang, demikian provokasiku waktu itu. padahal mungkin saja fawwaz belum pernah menengok blog mereka atau orang yang kami kenal yang sudi membaca blog mereka di hutan maya yang tak terbatas ini. tanpa berpikir seperti tadi, tentu saja karena pikiran mereka masih belum sampai untuk memikirkannya. makanya mereka, terlebih fajri, antusias menulis dalam bahasa inggris. dan fikri menggambar.
setelah beberapa waktu, mereka bosan menulis. saya pun jarang lagi menyemangati mereka menulis atau menggambar. apalagi ayah mereka membelikan playstation 2 setelah fajri beberapa kali ranking pertama di kelasnya. jadilah mereka gila dengan game dan sering minta dibelikan disk untuk ps2.
nah, bulan ini , tepatnya sejak bulan lalu, saya punya deal dengan mereka. karena terlalu seringnya mereka minta dibelikan disk untuk game yang baru, saya harus membatasinya. solusinya, saya akan belikan mereka masing-masing satu disk, jika, fajri menulis satu cerita yang selesai dan fikri menggambar tiga buah di paint. maka jadilah saya memposting setelah satu tahun lebih dua bulan tidak pernah meng up date blog mereka. a deserted blog.
tapi seharian ini, kami, saya berdua fikri, sibuk mengganti template. fajri hanya menengok sekali-kali. pasalnya, secara tak sengaja saya mendengar lagu kiroro, "mirai e" di kompi adikku, anto. penasaran, saya menggoogle untuk lihat klipnya. ternyata baru ketahuan bahwa lagu itu merupakan salah satu theme songnya film animasi "Final Fantasy IX". kutaruhlah di blog mereka. pikirku, sekalian ganti skinnya. jadinya, fikri yang mendesain kumpulan gambar FF 9 di paint dan, voila...jadilah blog baru mereka. template final fantasy ix yang didesain sendiri oleh fikri. fikri senang bukan main. karena dua postingan FF 9 dalam klip, seharian dia nonton terus di blognya. hingga kakaknya bosan dan meledeknya terus :)...dan fikri pun takut blognya tidak bisa tampilkan kedua klip itu. sepertinya ia akan sering membuka blognya. mudah-mudahan tidak tiap hari...
menjadi blogmania buat sebagian orang memang telah jadi hal yang biasa. bahkan ada beberapa yang sampai tiap hari memposting sesuatu buat blognya. blog sudah seperti suatu kebutuhan. seperti sesuatu makhluk yang butuh di beri "makan". dipelihara seperti piaraan. dipercantik. ditambahkan aksesoris. diberi sesuatu sebagai sebuah representasi, sebuah cermin, sebuah refleksi, dari si empunya blog.
ada kumpulan para blogger yang membuat komunitas mereka sendiri. ada juga blogger yang belum memikirkan pentingnya bergabung di komunitas itu. ada malah yang bikin institusi untuk mengadakan lomba memperebutkan award untuk sebuah blog yang terbaik.
walaupun, tetap saja ada yang belum memikirkan pentingnya membuat blog. entah karena alasan belum penting, belum menjadi kebutuhan, atau, memang karena belum tahu dan belum punya waktu bikin blog. bagi mereka, ehm, untuk kalangan tertentu yang "agak benci" blog, blog adalah media narsis. menarsiskan diri dengan menampilkan cerita diri, beli sesuatu buat diri (HP X kek, baju brand Y kek), berjalan-jalan di mal anu buat diri jadi relaks, melepas stres, clubbing, apapun yang bisa dipublish di blognya. buat sebagian orang memang kelihatan narsis dengan menampilkan semua sedetail-detailnya. sampai linking away kemana-mana. toh, tidak ada yang komplain dan protes tentang ini. sebab belum ada universal rules and regulation kan, tentang hal tersebut.
akhirnya, saya ingin tutup dengan mengutip survey technorati:
'Technorati is now tracking over 7.8 million weblogs, and 937 million links. That’s just about double the number of weblogs tracked in October 2004. In fact, the blogosphere is doubling in size about once every 5 months. It has already done so at this pace four times, which means that in the last 20 months, the blogosphere has increased in size by over 16 times.'
keep blogging, everyone!...(and i say to my self.....)
Thursday, October 19, 2006
potter, potter, potter
potter; mrs. potter's lullaby.
ini judul lagu. punya counting crows. agak aneh juga, kami bertiga bersaudara, saya, anto, nana, semua suka kelompok band ini. agak aneh juga, saya (dan nana), dengan jilbab di kepala, suka dengan musik seperti ini. apalagi di usia yang seperti ini (harusnya masa itu sudah lewat, kata beberapa teman!:((!). apalagi dalam bulan suci ini, mungkin harusnya dengar nasyid, kasidahan, tartil. mungkin karena kekepalabatuan saya yang parah, saya ngotot saja mendengarnya. mungkin juga karena liriknya enak dan agak sinis. musiknya sedikit keras tapi tetap ada unsur mellownya, walaupun dalam versi mereka sendiri. bercampur country, itu pasti. sejatinya kelompok band asal amerika, tetap mengusung unsur khas amerika; country. musik country adalah tipikal musik amerika dengan segala atribut amerika; cowboy, topi cowboy, kuda, tali lasso, sepatu boot, pistol (ada yang terlupa?). dan lagu ini masuk dalam kotak musik yang saya set sendiri dalam kepala, yang setia setiap hari mengantar kemana kaki melangkah, disamping Mr. Jones dan Omaha. lagu ini sangat berpengaruh dalam keseharian saya; menghibur, bisa juga menyemangati. bukan apa-apa, sok kebaratbaratan, sok modern atau yang lain, menyukai musik tertentu atau pendengar kelompok band tertentu menurutku adalah sebuah pilihan yang sangat personal. privacy, itu mungkin kata yang mewakili. dan agak kurang bijak untuk membaca seseorang dengan menghubungkan personal orang tersebut dengan hal lain dalam hidupnya. menurut anda?
potter; harry potter.
ini nama karakter. dari sebuah sekuel yang dicipta J.K. Rowling.dia digambarkan sebagai seorang remaja belasan tahun, berkacamata bundar, tampan, berambut hitam, berdomisili di sebuah suburb di London bersama paman, bibi dan sepupunya yang semua tidak menyukainya, dengan sebuah tanda halilintar di dahinya. hingga kini sudah 7 serial yang beredar. pasti anda familiar dengannya. anakanak saya sangat menyukai karakter ini(saya menyempatkan diri juga membacanya, sampai bapak saya mengira saya ingin menjadi anakanak lagi (padahal iya!:D)), mengoleksi dvd dan novelnya (walaupun versi Inggrisnya belum dapat), sampai kaos dan stationary kits. beberapa mahasiswa saya malah tertarik menulis skripsi tentang karakter beserta novelnya, dan meminta saya menjadi pembimbing mereka. pengaruh harry potter sangat luas terhadap pembacanya, apalagi anakanak. bahkan hingga ke sisi psikologis mereka (satu dari bimbingan saya meneliti tentang hal tersebut). sebuah situs pendidikan untuk anakanak dengan berbagai fasilitas; game, puzzle, dan sebagainya, memuat respon anak-anak dalam hubungannya dengan dampak psikologis mereka terhadap karakter ini.
potter; treespotter.
ini nama blog. awalnya saya temukan blog ini setelah membaca blog andreas harsono. disalahsatu postingan andreas, ada komentarnya. saya juga pernah rolling ke blog aco dan di banyak postingan aco, ada komentar dia. rupanya dia sangat peduli terhadap isuisu nasional, begitupun yang populer. blognya hitam, penuh tulisan, baik kutipan tulisan orang, tulisan dia sendiri, maupun fasilitas-fasilitas blog lain yang selalu ditawarkan pada blogger. orang ini rupanya sangat suka menulis, dan satu ciri khas dia; amat suka mengutip kalimatkalimat yang menurutnya berhubungan dengan postingan yang ditulisnya saat itu. saat saya membolakbalik halaman blognya, belum semua postingan tentang dirinya yang saya baca, saya dapati diri saya amat menyukai style dia menulis. narrative essay, mungkin itu genrenya dalam penulisan, atau esai yang mencakup semua; deskriptif, naratif, argumentatif. apapun itu.dan, fyi, tulisan dia pun akhirnya mempengaruhi tulisan-tulisanku (dalam bahasa Inggris).
Kembali lagi, semua postingan ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris,sehingga saya mengambil kesimpulan dia sangat pasti seorang asing. ekspatriat atau semacamnya. bahasanya pun, adalah bahasa yang sangat canggih untuk ukuran saya. mungkin jika dia mengikuti tes kemampuan menulis dalam bahasa Inggris, aka IELTS atau TWE, misalnya, dia akan peroleh score tinggi (ya, tentu saja karena dia seorang penutur asing, asumsi saya waktu itu). secara kesukaanku pada tulisan dia, blognya ku link tanpa permisi (eh, begitu juga dengan beberapa blog dalam sidebarku seperti aco patunru dan punya andreas harsono, ku link saja tanpa izin! LOL!toh tidak ada undang-undang yang mengatur hal ini, bukan begitu yak?!).
nah, suatu ketika saya mencek imel yang masuk di inbox dan mendapatkan sebuah dari dia. kenapa? pasti pertanyaan ini mengusik. kok bisa? ya, karena kesalahanku dalam menafsirkan bahasa yang dipakai Neruda (ini kaitannya dengan postinganku tentang penggalan puisi Neruda yang jadi banner dalam skin baru blog ini). waktu itu tuan ini hanya memberi tahu "Neruda menulis dalam bahasa Spanyol, bukan dalam bahasa Italia" (dalam bahasa Inggris, pastinya). dan kubalas terima kasih beserta perasaan malu yang sangat atas kebodohanku itu (anyway, is it really true the poem is in Spanish? anyone out there? will you help?
ini judul lagu. punya counting crows. agak aneh juga, kami bertiga bersaudara, saya, anto, nana, semua suka kelompok band ini. agak aneh juga, saya (dan nana), dengan jilbab di kepala, suka dengan musik seperti ini. apalagi di usia yang seperti ini (harusnya masa itu sudah lewat, kata beberapa teman!:((!). apalagi dalam bulan suci ini, mungkin harusnya dengar nasyid, kasidahan, tartil. mungkin karena kekepalabatuan saya yang parah, saya ngotot saja mendengarnya. mungkin juga karena liriknya enak dan agak sinis. musiknya sedikit keras tapi tetap ada unsur mellownya, walaupun dalam versi mereka sendiri. bercampur country, itu pasti. sejatinya kelompok band asal amerika, tetap mengusung unsur khas amerika; country. musik country adalah tipikal musik amerika dengan segala atribut amerika; cowboy, topi cowboy, kuda, tali lasso, sepatu boot, pistol (ada yang terlupa?). dan lagu ini masuk dalam kotak musik yang saya set sendiri dalam kepala, yang setia setiap hari mengantar kemana kaki melangkah, disamping Mr. Jones dan Omaha. lagu ini sangat berpengaruh dalam keseharian saya; menghibur, bisa juga menyemangati. bukan apa-apa, sok kebaratbaratan, sok modern atau yang lain, menyukai musik tertentu atau pendengar kelompok band tertentu menurutku adalah sebuah pilihan yang sangat personal. privacy, itu mungkin kata yang mewakili. dan agak kurang bijak untuk membaca seseorang dengan menghubungkan personal orang tersebut dengan hal lain dalam hidupnya. menurut anda?
potter; harry potter.
ini nama karakter. dari sebuah sekuel yang dicipta J.K. Rowling.dia digambarkan sebagai seorang remaja belasan tahun, berkacamata bundar, tampan, berambut hitam, berdomisili di sebuah suburb di London bersama paman, bibi dan sepupunya yang semua tidak menyukainya, dengan sebuah tanda halilintar di dahinya. hingga kini sudah 7 serial yang beredar. pasti anda familiar dengannya. anakanak saya sangat menyukai karakter ini(saya menyempatkan diri juga membacanya, sampai bapak saya mengira saya ingin menjadi anakanak lagi (padahal iya!:D)), mengoleksi dvd dan novelnya (walaupun versi Inggrisnya belum dapat), sampai kaos dan stationary kits. beberapa mahasiswa saya malah tertarik menulis skripsi tentang karakter beserta novelnya, dan meminta saya menjadi pembimbing mereka. pengaruh harry potter sangat luas terhadap pembacanya, apalagi anakanak. bahkan hingga ke sisi psikologis mereka (satu dari bimbingan saya meneliti tentang hal tersebut). sebuah situs pendidikan untuk anakanak dengan berbagai fasilitas; game, puzzle, dan sebagainya, memuat respon anak-anak dalam hubungannya dengan dampak psikologis mereka terhadap karakter ini.
potter; treespotter.
ini nama blog. awalnya saya temukan blog ini setelah membaca blog andreas harsono. disalahsatu postingan andreas, ada komentarnya. saya juga pernah rolling ke blog aco dan di banyak postingan aco, ada komentar dia. rupanya dia sangat peduli terhadap isuisu nasional, begitupun yang populer. blognya hitam, penuh tulisan, baik kutipan tulisan orang, tulisan dia sendiri, maupun fasilitas-fasilitas blog lain yang selalu ditawarkan pada blogger. orang ini rupanya sangat suka menulis, dan satu ciri khas dia; amat suka mengutip kalimatkalimat yang menurutnya berhubungan dengan postingan yang ditulisnya saat itu. saat saya membolakbalik halaman blognya, belum semua postingan tentang dirinya yang saya baca, saya dapati diri saya amat menyukai style dia menulis. narrative essay, mungkin itu genrenya dalam penulisan, atau esai yang mencakup semua; deskriptif, naratif, argumentatif. apapun itu.dan, fyi, tulisan dia pun akhirnya mempengaruhi tulisan-tulisanku (dalam bahasa Inggris).
Kembali lagi, semua postingan ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris,sehingga saya mengambil kesimpulan dia sangat pasti seorang asing. ekspatriat atau semacamnya. bahasanya pun, adalah bahasa yang sangat canggih untuk ukuran saya. mungkin jika dia mengikuti tes kemampuan menulis dalam bahasa Inggris, aka IELTS atau TWE, misalnya, dia akan peroleh score tinggi (ya, tentu saja karena dia seorang penutur asing, asumsi saya waktu itu). secara kesukaanku pada tulisan dia, blognya ku link tanpa permisi (eh, begitu juga dengan beberapa blog dalam sidebarku seperti aco patunru dan punya andreas harsono, ku link saja tanpa izin! LOL!toh tidak ada undang-undang yang mengatur hal ini, bukan begitu yak?!).
nah, suatu ketika saya mencek imel yang masuk di inbox dan mendapatkan sebuah dari dia. kenapa? pasti pertanyaan ini mengusik. kok bisa? ya, karena kesalahanku dalam menafsirkan bahasa yang dipakai Neruda (ini kaitannya dengan postinganku tentang penggalan puisi Neruda yang jadi banner dalam skin baru blog ini). waktu itu tuan ini hanya memberi tahu "Neruda menulis dalam bahasa Spanyol, bukan dalam bahasa Italia" (dalam bahasa Inggris, pastinya). dan kubalas terima kasih beserta perasaan malu yang sangat atas kebodohanku itu (anyway, is it really true the poem is in Spanish? anyone out there? will you help?
Thursday, October 12, 2006
"Ancora abbiamo perso questo tramonto"
Pablo Neruda - “Still we have lost this sunset”
(translated from "Ancora abbiamo perso questo tramonto")
Still we have lost this sunset.
Nobody this evening saw to us with the united hands
while the blue wind fell over the world.
I have seen from my window
the festivity of placing on far mounts.
Sometimes, like one currency
a sun piece was caught fire between the hands.
I remembered to you with the tight spirit
from that sadness that you know to me.
Then where you were?
Between which people?
Which words saying?
Because all the love of a blow arrives me
when I feel myself sad and I feel to you therefore far?
The book fell that always is taken in the sunset
and as a dog hurt to my feet rolled mine cappa.
Always, to always it removes you in the evening
where the sunset runs cancelling statues.
Sebuah penggalan puisi karya Pablo Neruda yang selalu menghiasi blog ini. Setelah berusaha ganti skin, saya pilih skin ini setelah cobacoba skin lain. Masih pakai templatenya pannasmontata, tramonto lebih nyaman untuk semua; posting, layout, etc.
Dan setelah curious mencari sana sini apa arti puisi ini (sampai belabelain tidak melanjutkan makalah dan tulisan buat panyingkul!...),saya akhirnya dapat disitus puisi berbahasa Spanyol(?) (
Inilah versi Spanyolnya:
Ancora abbiamo perso questo tramonto.
Nessuno stasera ci vide con le mani unite
mentre il vento azzurro cadeva sopra il mondo.
Ho visto dalla mia finestra
la festa del ponente sui monti lontani.
A volte, come una moneta
si incendiava un pezzo di sole tra le mani.
Io ti ricordavo con l'anima stretta
da quella tristezza che tu mi conosci.
Allora dove eri?
Tra quali genti?
Che parole dicendo?
Perché mi arriva tutto l'amore d'un colpo
quando mi sento triste e ti sento così lontana?
Cadde il libro che sempre si prende nel tramonto
e come un cane ferito ai miei piedi rotolò la mia cappa.
Sempre, sempre ti allontani nelle sera
dove corre il tramonto cancellando statue.
Ngerti kan sekarang?
Jammed (or Jammin'?)
Terkadang ada saat dimana kita tak mampu berkata-kata, apalagi menuangkannya dalam tulisan, walau dengan segala upaya dicoba. Ini terjadi sejak 3 minggu yang lalu. Ingin berpuisi, malah yang jadi seperti laporan kegiatan atau penelitian. Ingin menulis esei atau opini, yang jadi malah cetusan ringan yang amat ngepop, seperti bahasa gaul anakanak muda sekarang(pengumuman, ada yang komentar knapa saya tetap kecil dan seperti mahasiswa, ya...karena saya suka bergaul dengan mreka dan itu jadi hiburan buat masamasa jenuh dalam hidup, semacam escape, pelarian, atau sanctuary, boleh juga...dan itu sahsah saja kan? eits, dilarang komentar lo ya!)
Nah, banyak yang menyebut kondisi ini dengan jammed. Macet. Aka terbebani. Aka terhenti. Aka apa lagi ya...saya belum cek di kamus sih. Ini perkiraan saja.
Dan kondisi ini amat mengganggu keberlangsungan hidup menulisku yang mulai saya suburkan kembali, sejak berhenti bertahuntahun lalu. Harus diakui, saya memang bukan seorang yang produktif, apalagi kalau parameternya hasil penelitian, tulisan di koran, apalagi bahan ajar...(helllooooo....malas banged siih..!!!..) Hiks, that's me...whatever....(pasrah kali yak?)
So, is there anybody out there willing to help me, pleaseee?....(desparate banged niy!)
Sebagai penutup, ini lagu Marley tentang Jam (Jammed atau jammin'?)
Simak liriknya...
Ooh, yeah! All right!
We're jammin':
I wanna jam it wid you.
We're jammin', jammin',
And I hope you like jammin', too.
Ain't no rules, ain't no vow, we can do it anyhow:
I'n'I will see you through,
'Cos everyday we pay the price with a little sacrifice,
Jammin' till the jam is through.
We're jammin' -
To think that jammin' was a thing of the past;
We're jammin',
And I hope this jam is gonna last.
No bullet can stop us now, we neither beg nor we won't bow;
Neither can be bought nor sold.
We all defend the right; Jah - Jah children must unite:
Your life is worth much more than gold.
We're jammin' (jammin', jammin', jammin')
And we're jammin' in the name of the Lord;
We're jammin' (jammin', jammin', jammin'),
We're jammin' right straight from Yah.
Yeh! Holy Mount Zion;
Holy Mount Zion:
Jah sitteth in Mount Zion
And rules all creation.
Yeah, we're - we're jammin' (wotcha-wa),
Wotcha-wa-wa-wa, we're jammin' (wotcha-wa),
See, I wanna jam it wid you
We're jammin' (jammin', jammin', jammin')
I'm jammed: I hope you're jammin', too.
Jam's about my pride and truth I cannot hide
To keep you satisfied.
True love that now exist is the love I can't resist,
So jam by my side.
We're Jammin' (jammin', jammin', jammin'), yeah-eah-eah!
I wanna jam it wid you.
We're jammin', we're jammin', we're jammin', we're jammin',
We're jammin', we're jammin', we're jammin', we're jammin';
Hope you like jammin', too.
We're jammin', we're jammin' (jammin'),
We're jammin', we're jammin' (jammin').
I wanna (I wanna jam it wid you) - I wanna -
I wanna jam wid you now.
Jammin', jammin' (hope you like jammin' too).
Eh-eh! I hope you like jammin', I hope you like jammin',
'Cause (I wanna jam it wid you). I wanna ... wid you.
I like - I hope you - I hope you like jammin', too.
I wanna jam it;
I wanna jam it.
Nah, banyak yang menyebut kondisi ini dengan jammed. Macet. Aka terbebani. Aka terhenti. Aka apa lagi ya...saya belum cek di kamus sih. Ini perkiraan saja.
Dan kondisi ini amat mengganggu keberlangsungan hidup menulisku yang mulai saya suburkan kembali, sejak berhenti bertahuntahun lalu. Harus diakui, saya memang bukan seorang yang produktif, apalagi kalau parameternya hasil penelitian, tulisan di koran, apalagi bahan ajar...(helllooooo....malas banged siih..!!!..) Hiks, that's me...whatever....(pasrah kali yak?)
So, is there anybody out there willing to help me, pleaseee?....(desparate banged niy!)
Sebagai penutup, ini lagu Marley tentang Jam (Jammed atau jammin'?)
Simak liriknya...
Ooh, yeah! All right!
We're jammin':
I wanna jam it wid you.
We're jammin', jammin',
And I hope you like jammin', too.
Ain't no rules, ain't no vow, we can do it anyhow:
I'n'I will see you through,
'Cos everyday we pay the price with a little sacrifice,
Jammin' till the jam is through.
We're jammin' -
To think that jammin' was a thing of the past;
We're jammin',
And I hope this jam is gonna last.
No bullet can stop us now, we neither beg nor we won't bow;
Neither can be bought nor sold.
We all defend the right; Jah - Jah children must unite:
Your life is worth much more than gold.
We're jammin' (jammin', jammin', jammin')
And we're jammin' in the name of the Lord;
We're jammin' (jammin', jammin', jammin'),
We're jammin' right straight from Yah.
Yeh! Holy Mount Zion;
Holy Mount Zion:
Jah sitteth in Mount Zion
And rules all creation.
Yeah, we're - we're jammin' (wotcha-wa),
Wotcha-wa-wa-wa, we're jammin' (wotcha-wa),
See, I wanna jam it wid you
We're jammin' (jammin', jammin', jammin')
I'm jammed: I hope you're jammin', too.
Jam's about my pride and truth I cannot hide
To keep you satisfied.
True love that now exist is the love I can't resist,
So jam by my side.
We're Jammin' (jammin', jammin', jammin'), yeah-eah-eah!
I wanna jam it wid you.
We're jammin', we're jammin', we're jammin', we're jammin',
We're jammin', we're jammin', we're jammin', we're jammin';
Hope you like jammin', too.
We're jammin', we're jammin' (jammin'),
We're jammin', we're jammin' (jammin').
I wanna (I wanna jam it wid you) - I wanna -
I wanna jam wid you now.
Jammin', jammin' (hope you like jammin' too).
Eh-eh! I hope you like jammin', I hope you like jammin',
'Cause (I wanna jam it wid you). I wanna ... wid you.
I like - I hope you - I hope you like jammin', too.
I wanna jam it;
I wanna jam it.
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Surprise, Surprise...
Well, last, first writing on, not in the right time, everyone. Opening the local news, i found my forgotten piece, nearly trash on a big bin. Though this was the first, i found it crappy and not flowing smoothly..hiks...
Yup, after a long waiting, (how on earth was it hard to get published?) it showed up attacking Mr. Soesila as the headline. Yeah, yeah, you would probably asked, roaming around, who's who?, what's up? if, you are out of town, dwelling at the Center, or somewhere over the rainbow, you might not know this.
Now, let me tell you, "And the headline news is, Eddy Susilo, mantan KAPOLDA SULTRA mengaku mencium". That's it. Got it? Uh huh. Well, if you still don't, just googling, then.
Anyway, I didn't care anymore whether they care to publish it or not. The problem was, it's out of date, ladies and gentlemen.But they've made their own way. You know, media business, they always decide their own hot topic. Market consideration, right?
Yup, after a long waiting, (how on earth was it hard to get published?) it showed up attacking Mr. Soesila as the headline. Yeah, yeah, you would probably asked, roaming around, who's who?, what's up? if, you are out of town, dwelling at the Center, or somewhere over the rainbow, you might not know this.
Now, let me tell you, "And the headline news is, Eddy Susilo, mantan KAPOLDA SULTRA mengaku mencium". That's it. Got it? Uh huh. Well, if you still don't, just googling, then.
Anyway, I didn't care anymore whether they care to publish it or not. The problem was, it's out of date, ladies and gentlemen.But they've made their own way. You know, media business, they always decide their own hot topic. Market consideration, right?
Thursday, September 14, 2006
desert of winter
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
September First Rain
This morning the rain fell. First time after 3 months. Bit windy and so grey. Two unhappy news bothered me since yesterday. Last night, I heard a sad news, my colleague's father passed away. He's been a nice father even to me, his son's friend.
Yesterday, I've got an e-mail from my best friend and sister, Lily. And this was shocked me after reading it. I don't have acsess to media, therefore, by posting this at least showing my sincere sympathy to our beloved friend, Maryati. Here's the e-mail:
"I present this article with my deep symphthy to Maryati in Melbourne.
Falsely Accused of Terrorism
A chilling aspect of the global war on terror
Lily Yulianti
Just two weeks before the fifth anniversary of 9/11, I found my friend's name in the headline of a local newspaper published in Makassar, Indonesia. The paper quoted an Australian newspaper saying that she was allegedly linked to Jamaah Islamiyah, an Islamic organization linked to many terror attacks such as the Bali Bombings in 2002 and 2004.
By simply glancing at the headlines and not going on to carefully read the whole story, anyone could have concluded that my friend Maryati Idris was a terrorist. I talked about the incident with her other friends and we agreed that this kind of media coverage has become a terror to anyone who is carelessly accused of being a terrorist or having links with terror organizations.
Every morning commuters scan through headlines on their way to work, in too much of a rush to read the stories properly. When surfing the Internet we often jump from one online media to another, taking in many of the headlines without pausing to read the whole story.
I have read many such headlines in the years since 9/11 took place. When the incident happened I was watching the live-reports in my small apartment in Melbourne, Australia, and on the very next day I was frightened by the fact that the reports linked the attacks with what they called Islamic terrorists.
I am a Muslim, and I am easily identified as a Muslim woman because I wear a headscarf. The first week after the incident, people at work and at university carefully told me to anticipate any unpredictable responses on the streets, targeting Muslim people. Although Melbourne is a multicultural city, there had already been several small incidents of anger directed at local Muslims.
The University of Melbourne, where I was studying at the time, offered an evening shuttle bus service to Muslim students in order to ensure their safety after class.
Five years later, I was sitting in a smaller apartment in Tokyo reading the headline about my friend Maryati Idris. Her husband, Jack Thomas was charged by the Australian Court of having a link to Al Qaeda while he studied Islam in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Although Jack Thomas was cleared of all allegations, stories about his family continued to appear in the media. The local newspaper that I read outlined Maryati's life in extensive detail, such as which schools she had attended in Makassar, and so on.
By quoting the Aug. 30 edition of The Australian, which said that Mr. Thomas's marriage to Maryati was the beginning of his link with Jamaah Islamiyah, a local newspaper in Makassar, her hometown, provided a sensational headline to its readers.
Later on that day I learned that the accusation was a mistake and that the Indonesian Foreign Ministry had clarified that she was clean. There was no strong evidence and on the next day the newspaper printed this fact. But does the media really care about the psychological impact the story had on her and her family?
I am very sure that her parents and other relatives in Makassar have borne a huge burden in having to explain to everybody that she has nothing to do with any terror attacks or terrorist activities. It must have been very difficult after Maryati's reputation was damaged by such a sensational headline the day before.
Maryati's case is a good example of another aspect of the global war on terror. Heavy security measures often end up labeling innocent people as terrorists. There were similar cases in the U.S. in response to 9/11, in Britain in response to the London Bombings, and in Indonesia in the hunt for the perpetrators of the Bali Bombings.
Today I remember the fifth anniversary of 9/11 and I try to understand how difficult it will be for Maryati and her family to restart their ordinary lives after being falsely accused of terrorism. They are victims of the so-called global war on terror, and also of the media frenzy that surrounds any terror-linked news.
2006/09/11 p.m4:00
© 2006 OhmyNews"
Yesterday, I've got an e-mail from my best friend and sister, Lily. And this was shocked me after reading it. I don't have acsess to media, therefore, by posting this at least showing my sincere sympathy to our beloved friend, Maryati. Here's the e-mail:
"I present this article with my deep symphthy to Maryati in Melbourne.
Falsely Accused of Terrorism
A chilling aspect of the global war on terror
Lily Yulianti
Just two weeks before the fifth anniversary of 9/11, I found my friend's name in the headline of a local newspaper published in Makassar, Indonesia. The paper quoted an Australian newspaper saying that she was allegedly linked to Jamaah Islamiyah, an Islamic organization linked to many terror attacks such as the Bali Bombings in 2002 and 2004.
By simply glancing at the headlines and not going on to carefully read the whole story, anyone could have concluded that my friend Maryati Idris was a terrorist. I talked about the incident with her other friends and we agreed that this kind of media coverage has become a terror to anyone who is carelessly accused of being a terrorist or having links with terror organizations.
Every morning commuters scan through headlines on their way to work, in too much of a rush to read the stories properly. When surfing the Internet we often jump from one online media to another, taking in many of the headlines without pausing to read the whole story.
I have read many such headlines in the years since 9/11 took place. When the incident happened I was watching the live-reports in my small apartment in Melbourne, Australia, and on the very next day I was frightened by the fact that the reports linked the attacks with what they called Islamic terrorists.
I am a Muslim, and I am easily identified as a Muslim woman because I wear a headscarf. The first week after the incident, people at work and at university carefully told me to anticipate any unpredictable responses on the streets, targeting Muslim people. Although Melbourne is a multicultural city, there had already been several small incidents of anger directed at local Muslims.
The University of Melbourne, where I was studying at the time, offered an evening shuttle bus service to Muslim students in order to ensure their safety after class.
Five years later, I was sitting in a smaller apartment in Tokyo reading the headline about my friend Maryati Idris. Her husband, Jack Thomas was charged by the Australian Court of having a link to Al Qaeda while he studied Islam in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Although Jack Thomas was cleared of all allegations, stories about his family continued to appear in the media. The local newspaper that I read outlined Maryati's life in extensive detail, such as which schools she had attended in Makassar, and so on.
By quoting the Aug. 30 edition of The Australian, which said that Mr. Thomas's marriage to Maryati was the beginning of his link with Jamaah Islamiyah, a local newspaper in Makassar, her hometown, provided a sensational headline to its readers.
Later on that day I learned that the accusation was a mistake and that the Indonesian Foreign Ministry had clarified that she was clean. There was no strong evidence and on the next day the newspaper printed this fact. But does the media really care about the psychological impact the story had on her and her family?
I am very sure that her parents and other relatives in Makassar have borne a huge burden in having to explain to everybody that she has nothing to do with any terror attacks or terrorist activities. It must have been very difficult after Maryati's reputation was damaged by such a sensational headline the day before.
Maryati's case is a good example of another aspect of the global war on terror. Heavy security measures often end up labeling innocent people as terrorists. There were similar cases in the U.S. in response to 9/11, in Britain in response to the London Bombings, and in Indonesia in the hunt for the perpetrators of the Bali Bombings.
Today I remember the fifth anniversary of 9/11 and I try to understand how difficult it will be for Maryati and her family to restart their ordinary lives after being falsely accused of terrorism. They are victims of the so-called global war on terror, and also of the media frenzy that surrounds any terror-linked news.
2006/09/11 p.m4:00
© 2006 OhmyNews"
Monday, September 11, 2006
September, 11 2001. 1/5 Mitchell st, Brunswick, Melbourne.
In the living room. Watched tv with kids and Taswin. A headline news. Bang. Story reported exclusively live by CNN from NY. A plane hit the WTC twin towers. More than a thousand people died."Why the plane hit the building, mom?" "Why many Americans killed?" "I don't wanna go to America, there're many bombs there. They're like terrorists", kids popped up with comments. Anxiety frightened me and family on the streets of Melbourne. We're moslems, and that might caused wrong attacks on us who didn't know anything about the tragedy.
Since then, world witnessed bombs everywhere; London, Madrid, Bali, Jakarta. And the American declared "the world wars against terrorism".
September, 11 2006. S.Parman 9, Kendari, Indonesia.
In the server room. Browsing headline news while chatting with ly. Headline news fully contented with 9/11. Five years passed. I recalled all the events, especially when Taswin had returned to Australia. His trips must paid a full day investigation at Sydney airport, until he missed the flight to Melbourne. Even worse, he was accused to have link to one of the person they've been looking for, Jack Thomas. Until recently, news spread up in Australia and Indonesia accusing our friend Maryati, Jack's wife, to be one of the JI figure. How do they know about her? Do they care about impacts they raised on her and her family?
The world still wars against terrorism. But bombs still explode everywhere. Are we just expecting another bombs to come? another victims to die? Who is the terrorist, anyway?
In the living room. Watched tv with kids and Taswin. A headline news. Bang. Story reported exclusively live by CNN from NY. A plane hit the WTC twin towers. More than a thousand people died."Why the plane hit the building, mom?" "Why many Americans killed?" "I don't wanna go to America, there're many bombs there. They're like terrorists", kids popped up with comments. Anxiety frightened me and family on the streets of Melbourne. We're moslems, and that might caused wrong attacks on us who didn't know anything about the tragedy.
Since then, world witnessed bombs everywhere; London, Madrid, Bali, Jakarta. And the American declared "the world wars against terrorism".
September, 11 2006. S.Parman 9, Kendari, Indonesia.
In the server room. Browsing headline news while chatting with ly. Headline news fully contented with 9/11. Five years passed. I recalled all the events, especially when Taswin had returned to Australia. His trips must paid a full day investigation at Sydney airport, until he missed the flight to Melbourne. Even worse, he was accused to have link to one of the person they've been looking for, Jack Thomas. Until recently, news spread up in Australia and Indonesia accusing our friend Maryati, Jack's wife, to be one of the JI figure. How do they know about her? Do they care about impacts they raised on her and her family?
The world still wars against terrorism. But bombs still explode everywhere. Are we just expecting another bombs to come? another victims to die? Who is the terrorist, anyway?
Sunday, September 10, 2006
When A Wanted Logger Caught Up
Today's news at The Jakarta Post triggered me. A wanted illegal logger, initialled AL arrested in Beijing, China. AL, the boss of Inanta Timber, was accused of major illegal logging. And the company just broke the country for about 228.6 trillion ruphs. Imagine! How many things we can do in such amount of money, everyone? Inanta Timber, in fact, caused no less than smokes and fogs after burning and logging the land and forest, leaving dangerous deseases and environmental damages without take a responsibility .
But, hell. What's on earth government doing? The accused just flied everywhere without hassles? Where's their commitment? Give me a break!
But, hell. What's on earth government doing? The accused just flied everywhere without hassles? Where's their commitment? Give me a break!
saturday night discussions
Saturday Night, seven pm. Venue at Mayasari restaurant, a barely new restaurant owned by first rector of Haluoleo University. Me, friends from WWF (Indar, Kokoh, Yani), Sulis from Kendari Pos, Is of Media Sultra, Rudi of Kendari Ekspress and Kiki from Radio 68H, got together to have discussion on Gender, Media and Environment. A courtesy of Tim Kecil WWF, as usual.Heaps of issues were rolling on the floor; do women hold position on strategic decision making in media management? are the languages diplayed non sexist enough? are the languages not streotyping women yet? Had women been accounted on their capability rather than their performance in media? and so forth.The discussion was relax and fun, as we were joking around and not strictly moderated (fyi, I was given the honour, and was not successful, people kept commenting here and there,hiks..!). In the end, we agreed on conducting a workshop on gender, media and environment, as have been directed by the sponsor (good to know they are so rigid in applying gender perspective!).Thanks to WWF, we had a free yum dinner plus a bunch of ideas on our own heads.
Saturday Night, ten pm. Venue at Hotel Maleo, our family business, the hotel that run with quasi proffessional management(lol, if you like!). Me and my husband, Taswin, discussed about my coming to Wakatobi, initially planned on Monday, tomorrow. Heaps of arguments concerning safety, the monsoon weather, what to do's there, etc. The discussion was serious and a bit tensed, with, of course not moderated by anyone. In the end, we were agree on finding more information about Wakatobi and the safety if I come there by myself(coz there's a possibility I should travel alone!) But, thanks to Ayah, we have been understanding each other.
Saturday Night, ten pm. Venue at Hotel Maleo, our family business, the hotel that run with quasi proffessional management(lol, if you like!). Me and my husband, Taswin, discussed about my coming to Wakatobi, initially planned on Monday, tomorrow. Heaps of arguments concerning safety, the monsoon weather, what to do's there, etc. The discussion was serious and a bit tensed, with, of course not moderated by anyone. In the end, we were agree on finding more information about Wakatobi and the safety if I come there by myself(coz there's a possibility I should travel alone!) But, thanks to Ayah, we have been understanding each other.
Saturday, September 09, 2006
On Beating Drum
It was a sunny morning. Managed to be on time, I rushed to Ruf's house. We agreed on meeting at 8 am. Rani wasn't there when I arrived. As I put my back on the chair, I heard the music played. Perhaps, some people practised their skill in music. Loud one, might be rock or alternative. I don't know, honestly, since it's quite hard for me to distinguish them.
Out came along Ruf and his brother. Ruf greeted me while his brother just passed before us. The father was planting some flowers. Well, I have to admit flowers are very well planted here. They are growing nice and furtiled. Splendid.
When Ruf asked permition to take a bath, I gathered my gut to look inside the room, of course after granted a permit. Wow, I mumbled, a set of incomplete musical instruments: drum, lead guitar, bass, microphone minus keyboard.
Then, I gave myself a try on the drum, for it's been long time I have a desire to learn and play drum. But there's no chance in finding one. Juzz, juzz, I started to beat. Hitting every part of the drum. I was trying to get the beat. While trying hard, Ruf came and asked to play a song. "Give a try on Peter Pan's!" he said. I said "What? I just learned. But, anyway, give a go. Why not?"
Then the music played, only lead guitar and drum. And another person came and he was nicely volunteering to sing. Two, oh no, three songs for a go. Until Rani showed up by saying "yaa ampuuun baanget!"
Out came along Ruf and his brother. Ruf greeted me while his brother just passed before us. The father was planting some flowers. Well, I have to admit flowers are very well planted here. They are growing nice and furtiled. Splendid.
When Ruf asked permition to take a bath, I gathered my gut to look inside the room, of course after granted a permit. Wow, I mumbled, a set of incomplete musical instruments: drum, lead guitar, bass, microphone minus keyboard.
Then, I gave myself a try on the drum, for it's been long time I have a desire to learn and play drum. But there's no chance in finding one. Juzz, juzz, I started to beat. Hitting every part of the drum. I was trying to get the beat. While trying hard, Ruf came and asked to play a song. "Give a try on Peter Pan's!" he said. I said "What? I just learned. But, anyway, give a go. Why not?"
Then the music played, only lead guitar and drum. And another person came and he was nicely volunteering to sing. Two, oh no, three songs for a go. Until Rani showed up by saying "yaa ampuuun baanget!"
Friday, September 08, 2006
join a conference
How is it like when you join a conference? You might find it boring, at least restless if you just sit and listen without your voice heard. Especially when you find nobody knows you there. But I didn't find it that way. Last night, accidentally I joined a chatting room. It's called panyingkul! There you can find happy funny people from other parts of world. They are youngsters, mostly, with some moms. I myself was invited by the moderator, as it is exclusive to join. What is panyingkul!? What are they doing? Check them out later!
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
This potential love poem
I (meant to) dedicate it especially for you
As a token of (or tokenism?)
My sincere love
Upon which, by any means,
Sanctify my desolate heart
(covered by gray mist)
But you’ll never know how Chaotic it is!
So I withdrew
Okt 2002
I (meant to) dedicate it especially for you
As a token of (or tokenism?)
My sincere love
Upon which, by any means,
Sanctify my desolate heart
(covered by gray mist)
But you’ll never know how Chaotic it is!
So I withdrew
Okt 2002
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Partitur Minor
sejatinya partitur minor berakhir minor
serupa misteri tak terukur
jika hidup adalah karunia
lalu mengapa mengarak prahara?
dan Cinderella akan lestari
jadi sekuel kisah di mimpi
seperti dongeng tidur bocah kembali
akan niscaya sebuah melankoli
hitung sekantung bahagia yang masih pagi
jika minor berganti minor
kemana perginya partitur mimpi
yang dirangkai demikian menor
bilakah partitur mayor mengganti?
Kendari, 13 Agustus 2005
serupa misteri tak terukur
jika hidup adalah karunia
lalu mengapa mengarak prahara?
dan Cinderella akan lestari
jadi sekuel kisah di mimpi
seperti dongeng tidur bocah kembali
akan niscaya sebuah melankoli
hitung sekantung bahagia yang masih pagi
jika minor berganti minor
kemana perginya partitur mimpi
yang dirangkai demikian menor
bilakah partitur mayor mengganti?
Kendari, 13 Agustus 2005
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